Health is a most important favor. But the joy of healthy, after you get sick. Many people, because it is still young, still strong, so not too concerned about his health. Unhealthy behaviors become habits in daily activities.Many people assume that healthy behavior is only suitable for the rich. For the poor does not really matter because there is no cost for healthy living behavior. Did you know that a healthy lifestyle is something that is free? Facts do show that unhealthy lifestyle behaviors most of the low economic group. Smoking behavior, for example, is dominated by the middle and lower economic groups.Meaning of a healthcare so expensive, so we should take care to behave more healthy life. Healthy
behavior is not really expensive, sometimes even with a healthy
lifestyle can save on regular expenses (cigarettes, drinks, etc.). Healthy living is not synonymous with good food so expensive that can only be enjoyed by the rich.Healthy behavior anyone can do it. The following are tips on healthy living from Psychologymania. Healthy living tips at no cost, inexpensive and easy to put into practice anywhere.Healthy Living with four "O"1. Keeping the body (Sport)Popular slogan "there is a healthy body and mind healthy soul". Exercise can be done anywhere and anytime. Go up the stairs, walked into the office, wash clothes themselves and others is a sport that can make the body more healthy. Regular exercise, will make the body more fit, and more vibrant life. Healthy physical and ideal, is an investment in the future. Lazy to exercise, prepare now for the cost of funds of the hospital.2. Keeping oEmotinsHuman social life, so in a socially, thousands of dynamics that will be encountered. As
much as people known, as much as we should cultivate a sense itupula,
because human personality is unique, there is nothing equal to each
other. There are fun, but not sedikitpula annoying.How we should relate to the thousands of human personality? Basically, all the good people in the person's subjective view. People angry, because that's what he considers the best. Depends on us how we respond. Rest assured, however, that a positive response will give a positive response as well. Because the behavior of the formula, the law does not apply grouping, positive or negative. Positive response could have responded negatively or otherwise. You choose to stay healthy, give a positive response to any problems. Given
a positive response will help build relationships with others, will
also reduce the negative attitudes that will drain energy and time.3. Keeping Mind (positive thoughts)Mental gymnastics is an activity of the mind mengolahragahkan. How to process ragakan mind?Man was created with the provisions brain, and the brain inipula that makes humans superior. Created brain to think. According
to the latest neuroscience research, it turns out the human brain and
regenerate berkembangan, according to a given stimulation of the brain. The more often provide stimulus to think, then the brain will grow, and will regenerate quickly replaced.It's a shame, someone who has always rested his brain, let alone not using it. Habit of daily activities are repeated, sometimes override the brain function. According
to the theory of evolution, members of the body that are rarely used,
will have obvious degradation, including the brain. This could dubuktikan with level one's memory is still active reading his future with the no. Which is still active reading, less dementia disease experienced by this group of the rare indeed stimulate the brain.4. Keeping the pattern of Eating (healthy eating)Dining set, some people may be difficult, because the economy adrift. The food is actually tasty and expensive is not necessarily healthy. Once
we know the slogan "four of five perfectly healthy", today the term is
no longer appropriate, replaced with the slogan "balanced diet". The
definition of balanced diet is a balanced diet which contains protein,
carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and other substances needed by the body. To
get the food, in fact, our daily menu to be sufficient, given the
variety of living, so that its contents can be varied as well to meet
the body's needs.If eating also includes setting an eating schedule. A regular diet will provide a healthy physical appearance and ideal. Obesity is proof that one does not have a good diet. Every
now and then resting the digestive system will have an effect on
reducing cholesterol buildup in the body, which is the excess that did
not get burned on daily activities.Healthy behavior basically cheap, easy and practical is done in everyday life.
good luck .... hopefully be healthy ..
good luck .... hopefully be healthy ..