Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Effect of Blood Mother to Fetus

During this time, we often hear the ABO blood typing system based (blood group A, B, AB, or O). Actually, there is another classification of blood based on the Rh (rhesus) and Mn. However, from the blood penggolangan, the most important and affect the fetus in the womb is Rh blood type, because it can cause a variety of problems and even death to the fetus.

Blood group incompatibility between mother or father perkermbangan pose risks to prenatal (fetal). Blood group is formed by the differences in the structure of the red blood cell surface. One type of difference on the surface of red blood cells form what is called Rh positive blood (read rhesus positive) and Rh negative. If a surface mark, called the "Rh factor", appears on a person's red blood cells, the person has Rh-positive blood, if the surface of the sign does not show up, people called Rh negative.

If a pregnant woman has Rh negative blood and her partner Rh positive, the fetus has a 50% probability of rhesus positive or negative. If the fetus has Rh-positive blood while his mother Rh negative, her immune system to produce antibodies that will attack the fetus. This can cause a number of problems, including miscarriage, anemia, jaundice (bilirubenia), heart disease, heart defects, brain damage and death shortly after birth.

In general, the first baby with Rh positive to Rh negative mothers not bersiko, but in a subsequent pregnancy, the risk is increased. A vaccine (RhoGAM) can be given to the mother within 3 days before the birth of the child to prevent her body to make antibodies that will attack jani Rh-positive fetus (if the mother is Rh negative) in the future. Similarly, infants who are affected by Rh incompatibility can be given a blood transfusion before or shortly after birth....other...