There are several ways to overcome insomnia. Insomnia is a psychological disorder that is very disturbing. Therefore, treatment should be carried out quickly and accurately in order to be able to quickly overcome insomnia disorders.
How to overcome insomnia, among others, as follows:
1. Get rid of or therapy specific syndromes
2. Practise good sleeping habits. Maintain a regular bedtime, use your bed only for sleeping. Keep the room dark, quiet, and cool. Develop a sleep ritual about an hour before bedtime. Wake up at the same time every morning. Regular exercise during the day, but it was not done after dinner. Avoid mental activity too excited at the moment of the night.
3. Provide support and encouragement. Do psychotherapy, if needed. Try relaxation techniques: progressive relaxation, biofeedback, self-hypnosis, meditation and others. Emphasize sense of self-control.
4. Use sedative-hypnotics only for a limited time. Most of hypnotic drugs become ineffective after 2 weeks if used at night.
Actions or efforts that can be done to overcome insomnia can also be done in the following manner:
1. Eating high protein foods before bed, such as cheese or milk. Tripofan which is an amino acid digestibility of protein, can help make sleeping easier.
2. Try to always go to bed at the same time
3. Avoid sleeping at a time when the afternoon or evening
4. Trying to sleep only when feeling really sleepy and not at the time of full consciousness
5. Avoid activities that generate interest before bed.
6. Did bodybuilding exercises every day, but not before bed.
7. Use release techniques and meditation muscles before trying to sleep.
How to overcome insomnia, among others, as follows:
1. Get rid of or therapy specific syndromes
2. Practise good sleeping habits. Maintain a regular bedtime, use your bed only for sleeping. Keep the room dark, quiet, and cool. Develop a sleep ritual about an hour before bedtime. Wake up at the same time every morning. Regular exercise during the day, but it was not done after dinner. Avoid mental activity too excited at the moment of the night.
3. Provide support and encouragement. Do psychotherapy, if needed. Try relaxation techniques: progressive relaxation, biofeedback, self-hypnosis, meditation and others. Emphasize sense of self-control.
4. Use sedative-hypnotics only for a limited time. Most of hypnotic drugs become ineffective after 2 weeks if used at night.
Actions or efforts that can be done to overcome insomnia can also be done in the following manner:
1. Eating high protein foods before bed, such as cheese or milk. Tripofan which is an amino acid digestibility of protein, can help make sleeping easier.
2. Try to always go to bed at the same time
3. Avoid sleeping at a time when the afternoon or evening
4. Trying to sleep only when feeling really sleepy and not at the time of full consciousness
5. Avoid activities that generate interest before bed.
6. Did bodybuilding exercises every day, but not before bed.
7. Use release techniques and meditation muscles before trying to sleep.