Listen In As I Show You Step By Step The Methods I Use To Successfully Launch My Online Products To An Audience That I Can Guarantee Will Buy From Me..
- And Learn How You Can Get Access To Them Too
You know, back when I first started out in online marketing in mid 1999, there was always one thing that amazed me about this business. This is it: I'd wake up in the morning, and on checking my mail I'd see an ad for a product that would claim that they're only selling 500 copies before pulling it off the shelf forever. I'd think nothing more of it, go about my daily business, then wake up the next morning and check my mail again.
What I found never failed to shock me.
This $500 product they were only selling 500 of before pulling off the shelf forever had already sold 250 copies! Now in my naivety I did wonder if they were serious about this or it was just a marketing ploy. Several years down the line however, on meeting these marketers and actually seeing this in action..
I now know this is a fact.
My next plan of action was to find out how they were doing this. Was it simply through a bunch of joint ventures? Maybe it was because they were already established and they have a huge list to promote to I thought.
I was even more astonished at what I found to be true.
It wasn't their big lists that were selling them 250 copies of their premium products in 24-48 hours. It wasn't even their joint ventures, it was their plan. You see, they had a very specific start to finish launch day plan that started two weeks before their product was even ready to go, and ended two weeks afterwards. So after almost 7 years of asking questions, and over $38,000 of testing later, I finally figured out what was going on.
Here's what I found out.