Wednesday 27 March 2013

how to get backlinks...

The Complete Guide To Unlimited Backlinks

Introducing, The Simplified Approach To Unlimited Free Traffic..

Finally Revealed! Insider Trade Secrets To Unstoppable Traffic With Powerful Fast-Action Backlink Strategies!

Dear Friend,

Do you know the easiest way of generating traffic to your website has absolutely nothing to do with paid advertising? This means that if you have been shelling out a small fortune in the hopes of building a customer base with pay per click marketing, you are literally throwing money away.

There is not only a more affordable method of building massive traffic funnels that will flood your website with hungry, targeted traffic BUT this strategy is faster and easier than anything else you have probably tried.

"Consider just how much more money you would make if you knew exactly how to position your website in the TOP search engine results for ANY keyword phrase you ever wanted to target.." 
 how do you get it?  ...Read more..

Friday 22 March 2013

Kunci sukses bisnis internet

 TIPS sukses by: mr.joko susilo

Ingin meningkatkan omset penjualan anda? Berapa banyak yang anda inginkan? Dua kali lipat atau tiga kalinya? Ini sangat mungkin anda lakukan. Seperti yang juga pernah saya lakukan dengan melonjaknya penjualan sampai 500% yang saya sampaikan di Rahasia Blogging.
Meningkatkan omset penjualan sangat penting. Sebab dengan omset bertambah harapannya keuntungan juga meningkat. Keuntungan yang semakin besar itu akan membuat pertumbuhan bisnis internet anda semakin mantap.
Apa saja kunci meningkatkan penjualan?
Berikut ini saya jelaskan empat kunci yang bisa langsung anda terapkan dalam bisnis anda.

Kunci 1: Meningkatkan kualitas prospek

Makin baik prospek yang anda datangkan, makin besar peluang mereka membeli produk anda. Sebaliknya, kalau prospek anda “kurang bagus”, artinya peluang mereka untuk membeli juga semakin kecil. Biaya promosi yang sudah anda keluarkan akan terbuang sia-sia.
Seperti apa prospek yang bagus? Sederhananya yaitu mereka yang mau menjadi konsumen anda. Kalau lebih rincinya, jelas berkaitan dengan bidang bisnis anda. Karenanya anda perlu rumuskan siapa konsumen anda. Setelah anda tahu siapa konsumen anda, anda tinggal fokus mencari konsumen tersebut.

Kunci 2: Meningkatkan tingkat konversi

Sekalipun anda sudah menemukan prospek yang tepat, tapi kalau cara anda menawarkan keliru, prospek bisa kabur begitu saja.
Bagaimana meningkatkan konversi? Coba lihat bagaimana cara anda menawarkan. Lihat bagaimana sales letter anda. Seperti apa headline sales letter anda. Bagaimana customer support anda. Dan banyak lagi unsur-unsur lainnya.
Intinya: bagaimana cara anda berbicara dengan prospek anda.

Kunci 3: Menurunkan tingkat peluang kegagalan penjualan

Apa maksudnya? Sekalipun anda sudah mendapatkan prospek bagus seperti yang anda rumuskan, namun mereka masih memiliki kekurangan, misalnya karena tidak memiliki daya beli.
Bagaimana caranya? Anda pilah-pilah kembali prospek yang anda miliki. Anda coba jalin komunikasi di sana dan cari tahu apakah mereka memang berminat dengan produk anda. Contoh, kalau anda mau jual rumah di Bandung, anda cari prospek yang memang berminat untuk membeli rumah di daerah tersebut. Serta ketahui juga daya beli mereka.
Konsumen ideal itu punya dua kata kunci: mau dan mampu. Mereka mau memiliki produk anda dan mampu membelinya.

Kunci 4: Mempercepat waktu mendapatkan konsumen

Kalau anda bisa mendapatkan konsumen dalam waktu lebih cepat, artinya anda bisa mendapatkan konsumen lebih banyak lagi. Tantangannya adalah bagaimana membuat konsumen membeli lebih cepat. Bagaimana caranya? Simak di Inilah 10 Rahasia Menjual Produk Lebih Cepat.
Empat kunci meningkatkan penjualan di atas, kalau anda praktekkan secara kontinu, akan berdampak serius terhadap pertumbuhan bisnis anda. Buktikan!

Wednesday 20 March 2013

the secret behind the success of internet marketing

The 7 Secrets of Internet Marketing
By Michael Fleischner | Marketing ExpertInternet Marketing Secrets*
Many marketers have been shifting their marketing budgets to the web over the past few years. Marketing online allows you to target specific audiences and easily track return on investment, commonly referred to as ROI. Unlike traditional marketing methods, results of Internet marketing campaigns are almost immediate. This allows you to better evaluate what elements of your campaign are producing results and which are not. When buying online media, you must be willing to shift your marketing dollars to the online methods that produce a positive return.
To be successful at Internet marketing, you must understand the essential secrets of Internet marketing. These secrets can allow you to achieve success by finding the right audience, communicating your message properly, and leading consumers down the path to purchase. These secrets include:
1. Website Directory Listings. Before you begin any marketing campaign, make sure that the website you're promoting has been listed in the common directories such as DMOZ, Yahoo!, and Google. Even if you're using a marketing page off of the root directory of your website, be sure that the primary site is listed. This ensures that prospects can continue to find your marketing pages long after you've launched your campaign.
2. Generating Traffic. In order to realize a return on your investment, you need to generate traffic to your marketing pages. There are a number of ways to do so online. Some of the most popular include Google AdSense, Overture, and Looksmart. Other methods include affiliate programs and targeted website advertising. Research other websites that have the audience you're looking for and negotiate favorable ad rates for your online marketing campaign.
3. Marketing Pages. Don't lead prospective purchasers to a generic website. If you do, potential buyers won't know what to do next. The easier you make if for prospects to take advantage of your offer, the better. Whenever creating a marketing campaign online, provide a specific page for leading purchasers to your product or service or a billboard that showcases the offer. Take the guess work out of making a purchase and more consumers will buy.
4. Testimonials. Customer testimonials are the most powerful way to sell your product or service. When consumers hear from those who have purchased and used your product or service, they gain a certain level of trust and comfort in what you have to offer. Solicit testimonials after each purchase and use those that are the most convincing to prospective purchasers.
5. Create a Compelling Offer. Be sure to offer something that no one else is currently offering. If your offer is similar to your competitors or is not very interesting, consumers have no reason to learn more. Of course providing something for FREE is often a great way to entice potential customers. Maybe it's a 3-day free trial or a free evaluation of some kind. Be creative, try something new, and measure the response.
6. Developing Trust. Before anyone will buy from you, your website or company needs to be seen as reputable. This means that consumers can purchase from you and not worry about the safety of their credit card information, personal information, or anything else being exchanged. A good method for developing trust is to purchase and display safety and reliability icons such as BBB Online, Trust-e, and VeriSign.
7. Provide a Guarantee. Nothing makes a consumer more comfortable with a purchase than offering a guarantee. Perhaps you can offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee or a money back guarantee. A guarantee is a great way ease the risk of making a purchase. If your competitors are offering a guarantee, you want yours to be equal or better.
Internet marketing is an incredibly powerful medium for segmenting your prospects and delivering targeted advertising. Online, you can easily measure you return on investment and refine your marketing campaign over time to improve results.
If you are a local business you can benefit from Internet marketing as well. Look for local directories to list your business or service. Or, you can supplement your local advertising with product marketing pages on your website. Internet marketing is more than just placing ads online, it's using the web to communicate the value of your products and services.
*.Michael Fleischner is an Internet marketing expert and the president of, the Internet’s biggest source of marketing information and free marketing resources. He has more than 12 years of marketing experience and has appeared on The TODAY Show, Bloomberg Radio, and other major media. Visit for further details, marketing secrets, or more FREE reprint articles
writing by :Michael Fleischner
publisher by :dnardie568

Saturday 16 March 2013

how to write an effective online advertising market

This Tips by :Mr.joko susilo

When you start an internet business, one important thing is to write ads promoting online. Promotion can be online or offline. In the online, multi-faceted way of promotion. Both are using the paid or non-paid advertising.
Well, when you write your ad, your ability to write advertising copywriting or very important. Because it will determine if your ad is clicked or not.
How do I write an online advertising so effective lethal bring in sales?
The title and content are the two vital points in online advertising. The first person to see the title. Next, browse to further convince them that the ad is that it wants. Therefore, the title of the content should be solid.
Ideally, ad writing tips below are used for PPC advertising (pey per click) that considers keywords, such as Adwords. But there was nothing to lose anyway if used for online advertising in general. The tips as below:

1.Select keywords. In the ad, enter the words you expect your most sought-after advertising targets. For instance, products that are marketed in the form of coffee Mas Sumartono said what about search? Delicious coffee, delicious coffee, or a delicious coffee? Choose one.

2.Make some draft titles. Suppose choose "delicious coffee", then try to make a few versions of the title. For example, "Want coffee favors?"; "Search for Delicious Coffee?", "This coffee Deliciously your passions!" And others.

3.Menyantumkan number of users. Still on the title, as an alternative you can create a title that mentions the number of users of these products. For example, suppose that when products such as meatballs baksowolu blog, could write "How to Taste Meatballs Minimal enjoyed 514 people per day?"

4.Strengthen the content. After the title, you write your ad text. In the body, you reinforce the message you want to convey. Can strengthen it by showing advantages or strengths of your product.

5.Avoid abbreviating. For instance, you would like to Formula Business. Avoid writing FB, better written Formula Business. Why? Because visitors can click on the wrong guess. He thinks FB is Facebook. If so it could be they click the unexpected. So it is very possible they immediately close the new ad dikliknya. So, better to directly write the full name of the product only.

The five tips above are not absolute for online advertising. You want to use for offline advertising such as banners, also. And that is important in promotion, focus your message.
You can try to immediately write your online advertising,..GO... ACTION!

Tuesday 12 March 2013

to make a lot of money does not have to pay Free Listing Offer
The ads listed below work to entice people to list an item for free at Once they discover how easy and simple it is to use TripleClicks, these sellers will hopefully stay to list other items they want to sell and purchase items at the store. IMPORTANT restrictions may apply when using the TripleClicks free sample listing offer. Learn more.

Wednesday 6 March 2013

How to increase sales of the marketing strategies that you created?

3 Marketing Strategies to Generate More Sales
marketing strategies Today I want to share about the marketing strategy. In business, marketing spearhead. Without good marketing, tough business to thrive. No matter how good the product, but if it is not accompanied by the ability to market effectively, businesses will only be stalled.
Indeed, competition in any business it is definitely there. For that we need a surefire marketing strategy to break through the competition.
Then the marketing strategy as to what to do when you feel stuck marketing a product?
Marketing Strategy 1: Try a New ApproachAs a way of marketing that you do it is less effective, you have to prepare a new marketing ploy. You need a new approach to market your product. Take a look from the consumer point of view, what about less than your approach so far. Find out where the barriers and begin to fix ACTION!
However, there is one thing that has not changed in the world of marketing that you must always speak of the value of the benefits of your product or service, why should we? because it has the added value.
Marketing Strategy 2: TestAlways try to do the test in any marketing activity you are doing. Why? Because only then, can you know what the most effective marketing strategy for your product. By performing tests also, you save energy and cost.
Marketing Strategy 3: Give the Best DealYou have to quote your prospects, but it turns colder remarks. The cause could be a prospect you do not feel offers the best deal. Everyone always wants the best. Likewise, your customers, and your own course.
Take a look back your bid. Find in a section where you can increase that to be selling what consumers want. Probably about the benefits you provide, or it could be a matter of price, or it could be the other.
Try practicing marketing strategy above and see the results in your business.

wait for great sales and marketing tips in the next episode

written by: mr.joko susilo

Monday 4 March 2013

Get cash from home...

Affiliate Program ”Get Money from your Website”


I would like to let you know about a web-page that I found a moment ago, where you can make huge income online.
It’s a real and easy technique to make revenue on the Internet.
Open the link below to learn more:

Saturday 2 March 2013


Klik Disini!
Bagaimana membuat blog anda di kunjungi 10.000  pengunjung ?
anda tahu tentunya semakin banyak blog kita di kunjungi semakin besar pula peluang pendapatan dari bisnis internet kita melalui blog yang kita buat,saya menemukan rahasia menarik pengunjung blog ,yang saya susun dalam e-book dan lengkap dengan strategi membangun blog untuk meningkatkan penghasilan, selengkapnya...